Miyerkules, Hulyo 25, 2018

Plant it!

               In the month of July is the most exciting month. On this month we celebrate nutrition month. And this month that have the most exciting activities and contest. In this month we value the healthy living way.
                In this month the theme is "Ugaling Magtanim Sapat na Nutrition Aanihin". These theme remind us from planting vegetables and fruits. This reminds us to value the vegetables and the fruits so we can a live a simple and healthy life. We must know that planting is important because it can help to stop the flood. And planting is better to plant a crops rather than buying it at such as high price

                 So we must practice planting. It can save your money. And it's more fresh and healthy than buying. We must learn how to plant. And plant in our hearts. Make your future healthy and your live get better. And let the plant protect us from natural disaster

1 komento:

  1. Very well said sir. The question is, are you doing it? If yes, keep it up. Hahaha, that's all.



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