Martes, Hulyo 10, 2018

Letter to the President

Kenneth Josh Bermudez
Centro Bantay baliteng
Ilocos Sur

Rodrigo Roa Duterte
Republic of the Philippines
Malacanang, Palace, Manila

Dear President,
          Mr.President, let me candid and honest in saying this, Rodrigo Roa Duterte is both bad and good as a leader of the Philippines. Honestly you are better than the previous Philippine presidents in the mater of desire action and possessing political will.

          More importantly you have waged a war on illegal drugs that have resulted in ruined lives, wrecked homes and destroyed dreams. We assure you that we are in support of your desire to eradicate this drug problem. With you we dream of drugfree country where our young are able to freely fulfill their dreams and every one, especially the poor, will be able to express themselves without fear and find their rightful place in society. Like you, we want those unscrupulous persons and groups that make possible the entry, production and distribution of these illegal substances, to be found, arrested and brought to justice
         Through I wish as well and pray that you would have the forbearance and humility to admit or realize what needs improvement and transformation in the way the country being governed today, for genuine peace and progress and the betterment of the entire Philippines.

Sincerely yours, 
Kenneth Josh Bermudez

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