Sabado, Oktubre 20, 2018


           2nd grading is difficult. But all of my classmate surpass it even I did it. Though it is hard we kept trying. In think in this grading we are upgraded again. We learn new things, new formulas, new vocabularies and other.  2nd grading made us a better student. But in the ICT I improved a little. I am better at typing and many more

            In this grading I learn about notepad, bandwidth and simple text. In notepad I learn about tags. Notepad is interesting. If you put tag on notepad, you can make them color, bold, you can make them small and big, you can put them in right, left and the center and many more.
And of course we were stressed because of projects and requirements to be passed at the same time because we didn’t manage our time. But we must use our time wisely. Don’t abuse your free time. By using my time wisely I lessen my stress and have time with my family, games, and other things that I loved to do

            And last, thank you teachers for guiding us to right path and thank you for the professional teachings. And this 3rd grading we must prepare maybe it is more difficult than 2nd grading but no matter what don’t lose hope

Pilipino Resiliency

         In Resiliency is  the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness. It is the way to heal the traumatic event that encountered by individuals. It is spirit to face life’s hardship with courage

         The Philippines is one of the countries in the world that is afflicted with almost all kinds of natural calamities like volcanic eruptions, earthquake ,typhoons are some of the most dangerous calamities that are occurring in the Philippines. But despite of these strong and destructive calamities,Filipino still manage to smile because all Pilipino is strong and brave

         Despite the havoc and destruction of both natural and man-made calamities, Filipinos are seen standing up with a smile on their faces. Resiliency as one of the most admirable traits of Filipinos uplift everyone's spirit amidst life's difficulties and trails.

Coming Together With Those Furthest Behind to build Inclusive World of Universal Respect For Human Rights and Dignity

         In this year theme is “Coming Together With Those Furthest Behind to build Inclusive World of Universal  Respect For Human Rights and Dignity”

         In the theme it says about working together. By working together we can improve our country. We can prevent poverty. By working together we can do anything. Working together means helping each other. Help those who were left behind because we are just like family. We are family in God’s eye.  And improving our country we can love each other because we can deepen our relationship and we create communication. By communication  we can work faster

         In these way we can make our country  better and for ourselves. If our country is successful  then we are successful. We can overcome poverty from our country by loving, working and helping each other. No man is island. So don’t be shy  for asking help

Biyernes, Oktubre 19, 2018

Wave: Front Accentuating Potentials Activating Technological Advancements

       This organization to help the environment. In the school conducts many activities, activities that help the student enchance the ability and discover their hidden talent. The science club is one of the most participated clubs. Maybe because of fun activities

        Science club has a month to celebrate. This year was the enjoyable. And this year theme is "Wave: Front Accentuating Potentials Activating Technological Advancement". In this theme was to value the importance of Michael Faraday's discovery of electricity and magnetism as part of the same phenomenon, this brought the change in the world

        I've changed, you've changed, everybody change and of course the world had change. Science change the world, because of the inventions and gadgets. And science has a big impact of the world. Imagine without science. We could have no laptp, cellphone and other technologies. Science has also impact in our life

        The activies of science club was fun. It does'nt only for un, it's for enhancing ability and discovering the talent of the students. This experience will be treasured forever  

Gurong Pilipino: Turo Mo, Kinabukasan Mo

          On the month of October we celebrate Teacher's Day. The time when we all value the   work of our teacher. The time when everyone loves the teacher. But why we only our teacher on teacher day? When we can love our teacher everyday

          Teacher is the one who guide us to the right direction or the right path. Our teacher is our hero, yes they are our hero because they save us from making wrong decision for making taking the wrong path. But someone hate a teacher. A teacher suppose to be love because they teach us the good things and they have the important rule in our life because they are the one who teach us good things, they are the one who guide us to the right path and they guide us to achieve our goal

           Without teachers, we could have been lost. We could have no good future. We could not achieve our goal. Without them we could not reach our dream. So show them respect   and love to them. Be grateful to our teachers

     Teachers, thank you for everything you've done to us


For the past months I have learned a lot. Before fourth grading i had co clue about the internet access and html tags but after those months...